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Join The BROC ON Affiliate Program

With Lifetime Commissions, 
Tiered Payout Rates and 
Long 90 Day Cookies
hand holding money

The Benefits of Sharing

We have made it as easy as possible for you to share and get paid for it.
Become our Brand Ambasador Today.
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Free 1 minute Signup

Just put your email address, website URL, set a password and how you plan to promote us. That's all it takes to sign up and start sending traffic.
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Lifetime Commisions!

That's right. Refer ONCE. Get Paid for EVERY TIME that customer purchases from us again. Turn this into a REAL business.
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Long Affiliate Cookies

When people visit our website using your affiliate link, the referral will stay on their browser for 90 days and you will get the commission.
A cookie is a piece of code that gets copied to your client's browser, it tracks if they have visited your site,

Even if a customer doesn't purchase anything on their first visit, the cookie will stay on their browser for 90 days - if they come back an make a purchase within the 90 day window, the affiliate who referred them will be credited with the sale.

NOTE: You will not receive a commision if the customer has a cookie blocker or they clear their cookies from their browser. 
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Tiered Payout rates

The more you share the more you are rewarded. Super Affiliates can make up to
$230 per sale.
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Direct Link Tracking

Direct Link Tracking allows affiliates to link directly to our site without the need for an affiliate link - (Application Required)
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Store Credit

Have the option to use your referral commisions as store credit on checkout.
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Realtime Reporting

Every single visit, purchase is logged in realtime and also notified via email.
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Fortnightly Payouts

No Need to wait a month before your payments. Payments are made on the 1st and 15th of every month.
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Low Minimum Payout

Low payment thresh hold of $25 before we make your payments.

How to become A BROC ON Affiliate

Easy, just follow these 3 simple steps
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Step 1
Sign up and Get approval
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Step 2
Start Promoting
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Step 3
Get Paid

This is How you Do it

Promote Us On Social Media
Don't Use Your Affiliate Link On Coupon & Deal Sites
Write About Us On Your Blogs And Articles
Don't False Advertise BROC ON In Any Manner...
Create Educational Videos 
Don't Change Our Logos Or Banners
Place The BROC ON Logo And Banners On Your Website
Don't Use Your Affiliate Link For Your Own Purchases
Send Your Affiliate Link To Your Email Subscribers
Don't Offer Unofficial Discount & Coupon Codes

Do you have Any Questions?


How does it work?

Easy! Once we approve your application, you will receive a unique affiliate link and access to our marketing kit. 

All you need to do is place your link banners in your product reviews and on your website. Each time you refer a new customer to us and that customer makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

Can I do this? I don't know anything about "marketing"

Yes you do. Think of "marketing" as sharing.

Would you share the name of a movie you liked watching - or your favorite mobile phone app? 

The fact is, we share with our friends all the time, except you usually do it for FREE. We think your time is valuable and we would like to pay you for it. Do you?

Getting store credit or receiving money in your PayPal account is as easy as sending someone a link, we take care of the rest

How much can I earn as a BROC ON affiliate?

The sky's the limit! Some of our affiliates earn more than $3,270 on a monthly basis.

Is this one of those "pyramid schemes" ?

No. :)

Some people confuse the affiliate model, with the multilevel marketing model or the referral model.

Our model is very simple.

You when you refer customers to us and they make a purchase, you get a commission. 

There are no monthly "points" to maintain, no minimum you have to purchase per month, and you don't have to build teams or train people. Just share and earn.

What's the catch? Why are you paying me?

No catch.

Although the affiliate model has been around for a LONG time, some people are still sceptical as to how it works.

It's simple.

You can think of your commission as our "ad" spend. Rather than giving it to Google or Facebook for advertising, we're giving it to you.

People share good products every day, we'd like to pay you for taking the time to help someone. 


It means that once a person purchases something from us using your link, then they are tied to your referral link for life! 

So if they purchase a package from us in 1 week on in 1 year, you will keep getting paid as long as that customer is ACTIVE with us.

Commissions are calculated on a monthly basis. If last month you had 50 active customers, you will be paid at 30% payout rate.

If this month you have 49 active customers, it  will be 25%.

All calculations are done by our software and it tracks all payments automatically.

How do you know that I referred a friend so I can get paid?

Easy. When You sign up as an affiliate /sharer you will receive a special link. When your friend visits us we add a cookie to their browser for 90 days.

This means that even if they don't buy that day, but buy within the 90 day period, you will STILL get paid, for LIFE.

Is the affiliate tracked across all pages of the site?

Absolutely! Since the affiliate's ID is stored in a cookie, the affiliate is tracked across all pages on the site.

If a customer clicks on 2 different affiliate links from 2 different affiliates, which one is saved?

At BROC ON we choose to use the credit last referer model. It works like this.

So, let's say that we have an affiliate named affiliate_1 and affiliate_1 shares a link. Now customer_1 clicks on the link to a product, but they never make a purchase. 

A second affiliate named affiliate_2 shares an affiliate link that customer_1 clicks on and then makes a purchase. affiliate_2 will receive the commission from customer_1 over affiliate_1.

It means that if affiliate_2 wrote a more compelling piece of content then affiliate_1, on their site or email that caused a customer_1 to take the action and make a purchase, then they should be rewarded.

It also discourages fake coupon sites from offering non existent "discount" coupons in order to store their cookie on the browser of the 

What do I need to get paid?

You must have a PayPal account.

We would also consider payment into a bank account on a case by case basis.

What is Direct Link Tracking?

If a visitor to your site recognizes an affiliate link, they’ll know the you will earn a commission if they click that link and purchase a product (even though we think that's perfectly fair). 

In some instances, an affiliate link may make a visitor skeptical of your site content, and they won’t click the link. A potential customer turned off by an affiliate link could mean a missed sale.

By using Direct Link Tracking, visitors will be completely unaware of any affiliate links, greatly increasing the chance of clicking a link to our site and going on to complete a purchase. 

This works by white listing your site, that means that ANY traffic that comes from YOUR SITE to ours will automatically count towards your commisions.

Of course if you are sharing through your email list (as opposed to your website), you will still need a referral link.

How do I sign up for Direct Link Tracking?

Easy. Once you sign up as an affiliate just drop us a line that you would like to sign up for Direct link Tracking.

We will then checkout your website, to make sure it doesn't clash with any of our affiliate Terms and Conditions.

Once your domain is whitelisted, anyone that comes from your website and purchases from us, will be tracked directly to you.

How will I know if I have earned a commission?

You will be emailed the moment one of your friend makes a purchase. You will also know who it was, as well as being able to see it in your Affiliate Dashboard in the Affiliate Area.

Still have questions?

Our support staff will be happy to answer any further enquiries.
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Show me the Money

Everything you need to know

We cover Tiered Rates and payouts to help you turn sharing into a nice side gig or a full income business.
Learn more
What are Tiered Rates and how do they work?
Simply put, the more you share the higher your payout percentage.

Payout rates break down like this: (All examples given in AUD)
1 referral = 15% 
10 referrals = 20%
25 referrals = 25%
50 referrals = 30% (Super Affiliate)

That means, if one of your friends purchases a Mega Pack for $767 you instantly earn $115.

However, to be realistic, the most common pack is the 30 pack. 
At $159.95 this means you instantly earn $23.99 (not bad for a few minutes "work" and sharing one link).

HOWEVER...We don't just pay you once. You get this EVERY TIME they purchase from us, be it one month or 1 year from now.

Moving on...

If you find you get into this sharing thing and you manage to refer 10 of your friends to us, which isn't too hard considering most people have an average of 400 Facebook friends, your payout rate will go up to 20%.

This is 10 friends over ANY AMOUNT of time. It may take you 1 week or 1 year, as soon as you hit that mark, you will be paid at the higher rate. We are not like some companies that require your friends to buy from us EVERY MONTH for you to get paid at that rate. Once you reach that milestone  once, you stay on it for life.

If you reach 25 referrals your percentage goes up to 25%.

Then there are the Super Affiliates who get a MASSIVE 30% on EVERY bottle sold.

To become a super affiliate you need to refer 50 customers to us.

This means if someone buys a 30 pack, you will instantly earn $47.98 and if someone buys a Mega Pack you will instantly earn $230.38. 

There are not many other affiliate opportunities out there with these sort of returns on a physical product.

The only way you will get more is if you open your own shop, buy the products, stock it and promote it. 

Sharing a link is much easier.

Have a Huge Instagram or Facebook following?  or something else to contribute?
Talk to us about a Super Affiliate payout rate up front. If you have something that can help promote our brand we can discuss getting you the higher commissions straight away. Lets Talk

So how many people do I need to refer to have a nice side gig?
Let's do the math.

Let's say you want to make $3000 per month (that's an average wage for a hospitality worker in Australia).

$48 payout (for 30 pack) X 62 customers = $2976

So in total you will need 62 people to buy from us on a monthly basis to receive $2976 per month or $744 week.

The only difference is that the hospitality worker has to work 40 hours per week, EVERY week to receive that income. You only have to do the work ONCE to introduce them to our product.

We do the rest.

Remember...You don't have to carry stock, you don't have to worry about shipping, refunds, or customer questions.

All you have to do is share and figure out what you want to do with your stacks of cash :)

We have BIG goals and we want to help our affiliates achieve theirs too, so if you want to go on this ride with us, click the link below and sign up
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